
About Dr Düşünmez Hair Transplant

He has performed the hair transplantation of more than 6000 patients from many countries of the world since 2013 with the DHI Pen technique, which is the latest technology and the best technique in the world, and has personally taken part in the development of the New DHI Pen technique and the learning and experience of hundreds of assistant healthcare professionals.

Dr.Kinyas hair transplantation has ensured the formation of perfect hair with the best and most effective technique used in Turkey to date, and at the same time, we are the best in the market in hair transplantation, and we are the pioneers shaping the Turkish market today. Dr Kinyas has over 7 years of experience with excellent results, people come from all over the world! It has personally global recognition and the highest service quality. Don’t waste your time looking for a hair transplant in Turkey. Dr. Kinyas guarantees hair transplantation for a lifetime! Dr Kinyas has successfully transported more than 6,000 patients from 60 different countries around the world, from West (America) to East (Japan). Are you ready to achieve the most natural and wonderful looking results and miracles with our Micro DHI technology? Let’s help you get those years back and make sure you have a hairline that matches your age and facial structure. New Hair, new look and new life! Let us get your dream hair back so you can look in that mirror and say hi to the new you!

DHI Hair Transplant

DHI Hair Transplant DHI CHOI Pen Technique (Direct Hair Implantation) got its name from the combination of the initials of direct hair transplantation. If the patient is suitable for hair transplantation; It is a hair transplantation method in which the roots taken from the donor with manual punches or micromotors are planted directly with special pens to the patient who is anesthetized. In DHI Pen Technique, the doctor and his team who will perform the hair transplant operation are important. Dr. In the “modified” DHI Technique developed by Kinyas, it has become possible to plant up to 6000 roots (grafts) in one session with a team of 5 people. DHI CHOI Pen Technique can be applied to patients of all ages who suffer from hair loss.

Hair Transplantation with FUE Technique

The fact that the FUT Method cannot meet the demand for hair transplantation and has many disadvantages has led to the search for a new hair transplantation technique. The FUE Method, which emerged approximately 10 years after the implementation of the FUT Method, is the result of such a search. With the discovery of the micromotor device, the FUE Method, which is the method of collecting the roots one by one from the donor area with special devices, is actually one of the revolutionary developments of its period. 

FUE Yöntemi’nde, saç ekimi için uygun olarak değerlendirilen hastaya kaç greft ekim yapılacağı belirlenir. Ense donör bölgesi uygunsa yalnızca ense donör bölgesinden; değilse sakal alt bölümü ve göğüs kafesi boyunca var olan donör bölgeden mikromotorlar aracılığıyla donörler tek tek alınır. Özel pensetlerle toplanarak izotonik sodyum klorürde bekletilir. Sonrasında, saç ekimi yapılacak ekim bölgesine lokal anestezi uygulanır ve ekim bölgesi tümesen denilen özel bir karışım sıvısıyla şişirilir. Bu sıvı, kanamayı en aza indirmek ve kanal açarken yeterli doku gerginliği yaratmak için uygulanır. Ekim bölgesine planlanan greft sayısı kadar kanal açılır ve bu işlem yaklaşık bir buçuk saat sürer. Ekim yapılacak kökler, özel pensetlerle iki kişi tarafından açılan kanallara özenle yerleştirilir; bu işlem ise üç ile altı saat arasında tamamlanmaktadır.

FUE Sapphire Technique Hair Transplantation

FUE Sapphire Technique hair transplantation has a similar application to the classical FUE Technique. In Sapphire FUE Technique, hair follicles (grafts) are taken one by one with a micromotor device and kept in petri dishes. Afterwards, the planting area to be planted is prepared and the channels are opened. In the Classical FUE Technique, razor particles are used while opening the channels. In Sapphire FUE Technique, diamond particles designed according to the graft diameter are used. The fact that the diamond particles have a sharp and late blunting feature provides great convenience to the doctor during grooving. There is no evidence that the Sapphire FUE Technique is more successful or advantageous or more unsuccessful than the classical FUE Technique.

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Flight arangement​

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FREE VIP Transportation from airport to the hotel and clinic​

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Accommodation in 5 Star Hotel VIP Accommodation


Our Patients Who Happily With Us Miraculous Changes.

My Experience

“The hair restoration process was fast and you see the results in a short period of time without breaking your wallet!  look at the experience that I had below!”


DHI Hair Transplantation procedure

Before hair transplant

In the first examination before hair transplantation, the drugs used by the patient are diagnosed and it is determined whether these drugs will prevent the transplantation. One week before hair transplantation, the patient should stop consuming alcohol and cigarettes. Alcohol and cigarettes affect blood flow at the vascular level due to the chemicals they contain; It prevents post-operative healing and the adaptation of the transplanted follicles and their proliferation. 

After Hair Transplantation

It is very important to protect the transplanted area for the first 15 days after the hair transplantation operation. In this process, the patient should lie on his back and the pillow should not touch the hair transplant area. 

During the first 15 days, the transplanted area should be protected from accidents such as bump, impact, friction.

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